Things I Do to Stay Off The Streets

About Me


I’m Jack Rhyner, a card carrying computer geek. Not that I have extensive knowledge of all areas of computers but I feel my basic common sense and logic give me a good handle on things. My strong point is being able to identify how to make fixes/changes to existing environments – especially web based. By that I mean I’m a maintenance programmer. A term that used to be negative but now people have realized that a good handyman (person) can be indispensable. If that’s you’re need. talk to me.

I have a second life too. I do some lighting design for local theatrical organizations. Eventually I will have pictures of some of the performances on the site here, but right now I don’t – except for the heading picture shown. So far I probably have about 20-25 designs over the last 10-12 years. If that’s you’re need. talk to me.

 Jack Rhyner

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